Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The Rest of the Story!

     1.  17 years old- Threw a party while my parents were out of town.  If they hadn't just warned me, I would've had 3-5 charges on me that night!
     2.  18 years old- Shoplifting at Wal-Mart, Post Arrested, I was banned from Wal-Mart for  one year, used all of my graduation money to pay fines, probation

     3.  29 years old- Domestic Violence- Spent Memorial weekend in jail, probation, anger  management classes

     4.  32 years old- Embezzlement-FELONY, pretrial diversion, restitution, community service

As you can see each time I got in trouble it was a little worse than the last time!  Had I not decided to make a change, chances are pretty good I'd be doing some serious jail time for my actions! But this is only a small portion of the things I experienced during my addiction!  I may just have to sit down and write a book one day!

Addiction Motivation, Addiction Inspiration, Beachbody Motivation, RecoveryI had absolutely no respect for anyone much less myself! I was a thief, a liar, and most of all such a disappointment to my family.  I was selfish in all the wrong ways! No one trusted me being around HAHA!! Could I blame them one bit?  I had no concern for anyone else's feelings or anyone else's stuff they worked so hard for!  When you have an affair with any kind of addiction, it honestly becomes your EVERYTHING!  It's like being married in a small town and cheating on your spouse! You think all your tracks are covered...., BUT EVERYONE IN TOWN KNOWS!!! Pure ignorance I mean GEEZ!

There's only ONE EXPLANATION as to why I'm where I'm at today!  GOD!  God rescued me! This time I listened because I was in desperation.  I lost everything I owned and worked so hard for! I lost much love and respect from so many! BUT THANK GOD I'M FREE AT LAST! He brought me to my Beachbody family that accepted me with open arms!  The workouts are AMAZING!  Shakeology is AMAZING!! But my transformation  what happened on the inside!

Addiction Motivation, Addiction Inspiration, Beachbody Motivation, Recovery
 People ask me all the time, WHY ARE YOU SO HAPPY?  I am so happy because I understand the true meaning of the word LOVE!  With all the Personal Development I do, I learned to LOVE myself again!  I learned my self worth!  I learned that I am deserving of so much happiness!! The reason I am so positive is because I came from such a dark side of the bridge and finally found my way across to the happy side and I will NEVER apologize for my "OVER THE TOP" personality!  I believe with my whole heart and soul that IF I CAN DO THIS, SO CAN YOU!!! This is the reason I make my motivation videos!!  I want to give you HOPE that's it's possible!! I could not have done this alone!  I give so much credit to the few family and friends that had a wee bit of faith in me,  my Beachbody family, that saw something in me when I couldn't see it in myself, and my heavenly FATHER above!

Feeling worthless and ashamed are common feelings when you're having an affair with ADDICTION, trust me I know!  I would love nothing more than to be your personal CHEERLEADER!! Everyone needs SOMEONE Cheering for them!


  1. Happy to learn about you and your journey. Looking forward to sharing with you in Breathe University.

  2. Happy to learn about you and your journey. Looking forward to sharing with you in Breathe University.

  3. Great inspiration! God is so good!
