Wednesday, January 6, 2016


I read this question somewhere today... A year ago, did you think you'd be where you are now?  Absolutely NOT!!  My daughter didn't want to live with me, I had lost another job, I totaled my car, got evicted, my dog died all in a few weeks time.  Sounds like a dead gum country song! HAHA!  I was spiraling down further in my addiction.  Seriously people told me all the time how worthless I was.  "You won't ever amount to anything, Amanda."

Today... WOW TODAY!  I can barely even get my thoughts out because I'm so overwhelmed with all these amazing emotions running thru my soul.  I have been reaching out to Recovery Centers in the Tampa Bay Area to volunteer my time!  Today I met with the director of this one in particular that just happens to be one mile from my house!  I walk in not really knowing what to expect.  I know that I want to volunteer fitness workouts, because to me FITNESS IS A MUST IN RECOVERY!
Do you know this facility wants ME to help them lead RECOVERY CLASSES??? OOOMMMYYYGGGOOOOSSSSHHH!!! I am so very Honored!! I'm excited, and I'm nervous, and I'm scared, and I'm HAPPY all at the same time!! HAHA!!! I'm not experienced in Leading Recovery Classes, I'm not experienced in talking in front of people, BUT I am so very passionate about helping others cross that same bridge that I crossed! I have no idea what words will come out of my mouth my first time in front of people... BUT I KNOW THAT GOD HAS LEAD ME HERE AND HE OBVIOUSLY KNOWS I CAN DO THIS!!

One year ago....No one believed in me, I didn't believe in myself and there's no way I would've believed ANYONE that told me this would be my life now.  The moment you LET GO AND LET GOD he leads to your true destiny.  All the adversity I faced was for a specific reason so I can give a glimmer of HOPE back to someone that needs it! When you believe in YOURSELF and have THE ALMIGHTY GOD on your side, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!  Don't give up on yourself because YOU ARE WORTH IT! If I can do it SO CAN YOU!! xo

Beachbody Motivation, Recovery Motivation, Recovery Inspiration, Beachbody Transformation

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