Wednesday, December 9, 2015


When you start seeing the DOTS of LIFE connecting after traveling down a deep, dark, well worn path, man oh man, the feeling inside is very powerful and indescribable.  Following your heart is something so many people are too fearful to do, but is so very NECESSARY to do to completely fulfill your DESTINY.   I honestly don't know why our society frowns upon it so much.  I believe every one of us deserves the right to experience true happiness and we are ALL very much capable of having it.  The ones that do follow their heart are looked at like their "CRAZY" but I personally believe the ones that don't follow their heart are the "CRAZY' ones.

It takes a huge amount of COURAGE to take that first baby step towards the right direction.  You MUST have COURAGE to tune the world out when they try to knock you down.  You MUST have COURAGE to get back up and dust yourself off when you've hit a "LIFE WALL".  Our society is too judgmental, so most people are too afraid of what others will say when they "FALL ON THEIR FACE".... WHO CARES WHAT OTHERS SAY!! Are they paying your bills?   Are they raising your children?  Are they feeding you?

It takes a huge amount of FAITH once you get up enough COURAGE.  You must whole heartily believe in something (God, Karma, Life, ect.) that will give you all the confidence you need when others don't understand what you're chasing.  Stay strong in your FAITH, because this is what's going to carry you thru when you don't feel like you can go anymore.

A very simple, yet completely AAHHMAZING lunch with someone I haven't seen or spoken to in 10 years, made me realize just how many of my dots are connecting!  BELIEVE in YOURSELF!  TRUST your gut! You won't ever achieve complete happiness until you LOVE what you do.  You won't ever achieve complete happiness until you LOVE the people around you!  You won't EVER achieve complete happiness until you LOVE YOURSELF!  xoxo

Beachbody Motivation, Life Motivation, Courage, Beachbody Inspiration

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