Thursday, January 28, 2016

Everything Is Gona Be Ok!

Do you think it's a coincident that a complete stranger opened my eyes to a simple, yet complex word?  A word that's so misused and misunderstood.... LOVE!!

I don't at all believe in coincidences.  I believe God puts specific people in your life for a specific reason.  In the short 28 days of this new year, I've met some pretty amazing people, but this one in particular just touched my soul.  :)

Recovery Motivation, Beachbody Motivation, Beachbody Inspiration, Life MotivationOver the last few months, I've had to really work hard at LOVING myself again for all the things I've done and the people that I've hurt.  Some days it wasn't an easy task, but I had to keep reassuring myself everyday that I AM WORTH IT!  Forgiving yourself is sometimes the hardest thing we face as humans in my opinion.  Once you finally do, though, it's the most FREEING feeling ever! But what good does LOVING MYSELF again do if I'm not spreading it around every place I go?

My life theme is "Make a Stranger Smile"!  I live by it and apply it every where I go, but do people really feel the genuine LOVE that's in my heart by my smile?  People do smile back at me, BUT  I know that behind some of those smiles is a world of hurt.  I know behind some of those smiles there's a world of shame.  I know behind some of those smiles there's a world of fear.  How do I know?  I've been there!

When I go out into the world today,  I ask GOD to allow me to show people true LOVE.  Even though it's very uncomfortable at first to go up to a complete stranger and try to make their day better when you have no idea what's going on in their life!  Sometimes all people need is a simple gesture of a hand shake or a hug and tell them everything's going to be ok! This is something very new to me, but I have high hopes that offering COMPLETE TRUE LOVE to STRANGERS will get easier!

This is the lesson I learned from a complete stranger!! And now no matter what I MUST pay it forward! 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

I used to be a LOSER!

It's true!! I used to be a LOSER! Even though something deep down inside of me kept telling me I was something special, I allowed for SO LONG people's opinions of me become my reality! Once I got SOBER and put the right people in my life, I started believing in myself again!  Do you know how AMAZING that feels to wake up BELIEVING you have a chance again?  Do you know how AMAZING it feels to wake up having others BELIEVE in you again?  It's the most empowering experience ever!

When I signed up as a Beachbody Coach I had no freakin clue how I was going to get ANYONE AT ALL to believe anything I said.  Over the years I burned so many bridges and pretty much completely ran my life into the ground.  Even though I felt so much better inside and out, something deep down inside me just felt like I wasn't good enough for this.... People are going to think... WAIT!! STOP!! RIGHT NOW AMANDA!!.... Didn't you just say you listened to people's opinions for so long and just where did that get you??  This is the exact conversation I had with myself.  ( I talk to myself A LOT these days )

Team Patched Wangs, Beachbody Motivation, Recovery Motivation, Recovery OpportunitiesInstead of putting thought into what people are going to think, I made the decision to be MYSELF and admit my failures.  This definitely was not easy at first.... and still isn't some days.  But I do it anyways.  I tune the world out and follow my heart!  I put my STORY out there in hopes to inspire someone along the way to make the necessary changes in their own life to find their happiness!  If you have a burning fire inside you like I do, I encourage you to take that leap of faith and do your part to inspire others.  Become a Coach and let's change the world together

Thanks to so many great LEADERS in Beachbody that inspire me to keep going, I still have the COURAGE to wake up every single day and talk to strangers about changing their lives.  Most people think I'm crazy and that's quite ok!  I know I have left a stain on their mind that they can't wash away!  Being a Coach to me is showing people there is a way across the bridge of darkness to happiness!  And the beauty of it is, that applies to so many different aspects of LIFE!  TODAY I'm NOT A LOSER! TODAY I'M A WINNER!  And I want you to be a WINNER TOO!  

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


I read this question somewhere today... A year ago, did you think you'd be where you are now?  Absolutely NOT!!  My daughter didn't want to live with me, I had lost another job, I totaled my car, got evicted, my dog died all in a few weeks time.  Sounds like a dead gum country song! HAHA!  I was spiraling down further in my addiction.  Seriously people told me all the time how worthless I was.  "You won't ever amount to anything, Amanda."

Today... WOW TODAY!  I can barely even get my thoughts out because I'm so overwhelmed with all these amazing emotions running thru my soul.  I have been reaching out to Recovery Centers in the Tampa Bay Area to volunteer my time!  Today I met with the director of this one in particular that just happens to be one mile from my house!  I walk in not really knowing what to expect.  I know that I want to volunteer fitness workouts, because to me FITNESS IS A MUST IN RECOVERY!
Do you know this facility wants ME to help them lead RECOVERY CLASSES??? OOOMMMYYYGGGOOOOSSSSHHH!!! I am so very Honored!! I'm excited, and I'm nervous, and I'm scared, and I'm HAPPY all at the same time!! HAHA!!! I'm not experienced in Leading Recovery Classes, I'm not experienced in talking in front of people, BUT I am so very passionate about helping others cross that same bridge that I crossed! I have no idea what words will come out of my mouth my first time in front of people... BUT I KNOW THAT GOD HAS LEAD ME HERE AND HE OBVIOUSLY KNOWS I CAN DO THIS!!

One year ago....No one believed in me, I didn't believe in myself and there's no way I would've believed ANYONE that told me this would be my life now.  The moment you LET GO AND LET GOD he leads to your true destiny.  All the adversity I faced was for a specific reason so I can give a glimmer of HOPE back to someone that needs it! When you believe in YOURSELF and have THE ALMIGHTY GOD on your side, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!  Don't give up on yourself because YOU ARE WORTH IT! If I can do it SO CAN YOU!! xo

Beachbody Motivation, Recovery Motivation, Recovery Inspiration, Beachbody Transformation